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Hello, my name is Jimmy, and I have been in the business for over 20 years and have collected baseball cards for over 50 years. I specialize in baseball cards, gold and silver, antiques, art, comic books, and anything else collectible. 


Hello, my name is Joey and I have been in the business for over 3 years now and specialize in video games, electronics, cameras, trains, and almost anything else collectible.  As of now, I'm a full-time college student but after I graduate I hope to continue to work alongside my father. 

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My Story - Jimmy 

Ever since I was a kid I was always on the hunt for anything collectible, and at that time what I could get my hands on was baseball cards. Just like every other kid who grew up in the seventies I loved everything baseball cards, and would become obsessed with collecting every card there was. This love for baseball cards eventually developed into what I do today and has led me to branch out from baseball cards and learn everything there is to know about collectibles. For the past 20 years, I have been working and learning about the business, what's worth money, and what's not, and through my experience, I have found a job that I love and one that allows me to love what I do every day. 


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